Carmen Cătălina Iosub
Fizioterapeut cu specializări în terapia MASGUTOVA
Catalina este specializată în Terapia Masgutova (Integrarea reflexelor dinamice și posturale). Prin perseverență și disciplină își aduce contribuția în zona de pediatrie, Pediatrika, focusul fiind pe sugari (copii intre 0-2 ani de viață). Specializarile sunt întărite de workshop-uri și stagii clinice susținute de OMTRO, Vojta, în spitalele din Iași.
Parte din experiența de fizioterapeut de peste 7 ani a dobandit-o în cadrul Centrului de Recuperare Medicală Kinetic Fit. Această experiență a caștigat-o în tratarea afecțiunilor și întârzierilor neuromotorii, tulburărilor din spectrul autism, tulburărilor de coordonare și statică vertebrală (mers și echilibru), deformări ale coloanei vertebrale, diformităților craniene.
Mihaela Iliescu
11:48 17 Sep 24
I had a great experience with Catalina. He is a consummate professional and, above all, a special person. What I liked most was the empathy with which he treated each session. My child always felt safe and understood, which was essential to his progress.In addition, Catalina is extremely bouncy and dedicated. She was always available for questions and clearly explained all the exercises we had to do at home as well. His effective approach paid off in a very short time. You can see that she puts her soul into everything she does and is completely dedicated to each child, customizing the treatment plan according to their specific needs.I recommend with all my heart! The children are in good hands and the treatments are done with professionalism and warmth.
Ramona Paraschiva Zmău
11:04 02 Sep 24
Mrs. Cătălina a special person with calmness and a lot of professionalism.
Her Florin
12:45 12 May 24
We recommend therapist Cătălina for her professionalism, but especially for her empathy and patience during the therapy sessions with our little boy! Also an important aspect was the willingness to answer our questions about what was happening during the therapy sessions.
Anca Mihaela Ion
14:24 30 Apr 24
We wholeheartedly recommend Mrs. Cătălina as a physiotherapist. We did therapy with our little girl for about 3 and a half months and the results did not take long to appear. For example, after only 5 sessions, she learned to insert herself into Fundulet. The experience and the professional, friendly, attentive and caring and direct attitude contributed to the motor development of our little girl. I also appreciated the exercise tips to do at home and the explanations for each one. Good luck!
Codruta Bruma
09:36 29 Apr 24
A very empathetic person with babies. Improvements were seen after the first sessions.I recommend with love!
Stan Denisa
11:17 27 Apr 24
Even if our little boy didn't feel comfortable at the beginning of the sessions, with Cătălina's help they proceeded with a smile on his face. The result on the motor part was seen after the 10 sessions
Andreea-Loredana Chirila
08:49 27 Apr 24
I highly recommend! We were very satisfied both personally and with the results of the baby sessions.
Crina Manole
11:49 26 Apr 24
We highly recommend Catalina! He is a therapist who loves children and the job he does. He always transmits positive energy to us.
Cecilia Matei
11:36 26 Apr 24
Catalina is a consummate professional, dedicated and 100% involved. Always looking to improve their knowledge and performance. I warmly recommend, he is a warm, empathetic man, he works very diligently. Robert is very excited when we go to masgustova. Thank you for everything. Success in everything!
Alexandra Pintilie
11:33 26 Apr 24
Very nice, humane, I had a wonderful experience with Catalina. My little girl loved it immediately and it resonated very well with her, and the results were seen in a very short time.