Ionuț Sâmbotin - Centrul de recuperare medicala Alchimeia Iasi
Caută echipa ionut sambotin - Centru de Recuperare Medicala

Ionuț Sâmbotin


Ionuț este absolvent al facultății de Bioinginerie Medicală din cadrul UMF “Grigore T. Popa” Iași, specializarea Balneofiziokinetoterapie și recuperare medicală. Cu o experiență de peste 4 ani în domeniul recuperării medicale, Ionuț este mereu focusat pe starea de bine a pacienților. Calmul, empatia și optimismul se numără printre calitățile lui.

Mona MonaMona Mona
13:01 26 Apr 24
Ionuț demonstrates special attention to the patient's needs, approaching his work with remarkable dedication, and the results are felt. Even during therapeutic massage sessions, sometimes known for their less pleasant character, working with Ionuț is perceived as a pleasant and relaxing experience. After each meeting, leaving with a feeling of relaxation and balance both physically and mentally, I recommend it with confidence! 🙏🏻
anca hasmatuchianca hasmatuchi
05:33 26 Apr 24
I felt involvement and professionalism from the therapist. Thank you!
Alexandra MazdragAlexandra Mazdrag
12:25 24 Apr 24
diana alexandrudiana alexandru
11:40 24 Apr 24
An impeccable clinic from all points of view. I am currently doing physiotherapy and massage procedures and I am extremely satisfied with the results. I highly recommend Ionut Sîmbotin. In addition to his professionalism and training, he is a person who knows how to create an environment that will make you happy to solve your medical problems. If each of us had an employee like him, companies would work exceptionally well.Thank you from the bottom of my heart!
ramona oprisanramona oprisan
08:37 23 Apr 24